Helluva Boss Logo PNG
Helluva Boss is the animated series, created by American animators Vivien Medrano and Brad Rogers, immerses viewers in the unusual world of Hell, where former humans and other creatures spend eternity, falling into the hands of demon rulers. But in this Hell, some humans run their businesses and provide services to the other inhabitants of Hell.
Meaning and history
Helluva Boss is a fascinating story that tells about a company where professional killers are ready to go to any lengths to get what they want. The center of the plot is the company called “IMP” (Immediate Murder Professionals), engaged in contract killings, which is headed by a charismatic and tough Blitzo. Together with the team – the conniving Millie, the alcoholic Luna, and the bumbling Moxie, Blitzo carries out the tasks of the clients, while interacting with many eccentric characters and facing unpredictable situations.
I.M.P. is one of the many companies straight out of the hellhole that helps demons and devils eliminate anyone from the world of the living. Along with bloody brutal murders, this company figures out relationships with each other, and with other demons, and gets into strange situations.
Despite the dark and bloody nature of the animated series, Helluva Boss amazes the viewer with its original atmosphere, humor, and impeccable animation style. It makes you think about what happens after death and shows that even in the cruelest conditions it is possible to preserve your human qualities. The series is a unique and exciting journey into the world of Hell, which will not leave any viewer indifferent.
The completed first season of Helluva Boss contains seven episodes. On average, they were released every month or two, collecting several dozens of millions of views. The project, which was not originally planned as the main one, for two years of existence managed to give viewers much more than they expected. The series questions the generally accepted concepts of good and evil, as well as friendship, love, and career.
What is Helluva Boss?
Helluva Boss is the name of an American animated television series launched in 2019 on the YouTube platform. The project was created by the authors of the popular show The Habzin Hotel, animators Vivien Medrano and Brad Rogers. The creators have plans for four seasons of Helluva Boss.
In terms of visual identity, Helluva Boss is dramatic yet full of energy. The color palette of the series’ logo is based on bloody shades, which brilliantly represent the essence and plot of the project, and the graphical elements in the badge add uniqueness and progressiveness.
2019 – Today
The Helluva Boss logo was introduced in 2019, with the pilot episode of the series, and remains the same. The logo is executed in red and burgundy shades, with the stylized hand-drawn lettering as the main element. The inscription in dark gradient tones from red to black is set in the uppercase, yet some characters are larger. The “V” in the wordmark is replaced by a graphical element, depicting two horns, and the negative space of the “O” is decorated by a contoured red star.
On the background of the logo, you will see abstract red strokes, resembling blood drops, and an elongated element with a spiky end, set in the right part of the composition, and representing a devil’s tail.
Font and color
The lettering from the primary logo of the Helluva Boss animated series was drawn by the creators of the project, hence doesn’t have any commercial typeface to compare it to.
As for the color palette of the Helluva Boss visual identity, it’s all dark and dramatic, based on intense shades of red, burgundy, and black, the colors, that are most commonly associated with hell, murders, and blood.